Here are reviews of products Confidence Junior Golf Club Set w/Stand Bag for kids Ages 4-7 LEFTY , This is the current best-selling product, refer to several reviews of consumers who have purchased this product here . Get special price for the product Confidence Junior Golf Club Set w/Stand Bag for kids Ages 4-7 LEFTY This particular day, this offer is valid for today only. So do not lose this opportunity. Get discounts for products Confidence Junior Golf Club Set w/Stand Bag for kids Ages 4-7 LEFTY now.
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Product Features
3 Wood, 7 -9 Irons, Putter
Stand Bag
Graphite Shafts

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Package includes: Clubs: Driver/fairway wood with extra loft for simple hitting (36"). Oversized Ti-Matrix perimeter-weighted irons with large, forgiving sweet spot - 7 iron (32"), 9 iron (31"), White Ball Putter (30") & longneck headcover. Stand Bag: DELUXE junior stand bag with double shoulder strap, 4 way divider, 4 exterior pockets, umbrella holder, Velcro glove tab & rain hood. Graphite Shafts- Junior Flex. Soft wrap grips. For Boys & Girls between 4-8 years of age and approximately 4'6" in height. Brand new.
Product Features
3 Wood, 7 -9 Irons, Putter
Stand Bag
Graphite Shafts

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